Randy Newman joined by Tom Petty, John Fogerty and Jackson Browne perform «I Love LA» at the 28th Annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, CA on 4/18/13

Tom Petty in FB:

Last night, at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, Tom joined Randy Newman, Jackson Browne, and John Fogerty for a version of «I Love L.A.» which opened 2013’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum Induction Ceremony.

The song selection was quite appropriate, as the ceremony was being held in Los Angeles for the first time in twenty years.

During the ceremony, Rush, Heart, Randy Newman, Public Enemy, Donna Summer, and Albert King were each inducted into the Hall of Fame, while producers Quincy Jones and Lou Adler received the Ahmet Ertegun Award for non-performers.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2013

The set list:

Induction of Randy Newman
I Love L.A. – Randy Newman, John Fogerty, Tom Petty, Jackson Browne
I Think It’s Going to Rain Today – Randy Newman, String Section
I’m Dead (But I Don’t Know It) – Randy Newman, Don Henley

Induction of Lou Adler
So Far Away – Carole King

Induction of Albert King
Oh, Pretty Woman – Gary Clark, Jr.
Born Under a Bad Sign – Gary Clark, Jr., John Mayer, Booker T. Jones

Induction of Donna Summer
Bad Girls / Last Dance – Jennifer Hudson

Induction of Quincy Jones
Rock With You – Usher

Induction of Public Enemy
Bring the Noise – Public Enemy
Fight the Power – Public Enemy

Induction of Heart
Crazy on You – Heart
Dreamboat Annie – Heart
Barracuda – Heart, Jerry Cantrell, Chris Cornell

Induction of Rush
2112 – Rush, Foo Fighters
Tom Sawyer – Rush
Permanent Wave – Rush

Crossroads – Rush, Ann and Nancy Wilson, Chuck D, Hank Shocklee, Gary Clark, Jr., Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, John Fogerty, Tom Morello

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