Ayer, tal como ya se comentó en una información anterior, tuvo lugar en Londres la ceremonia de entrega de los Classic Rock Awards a la que asistió el bueno de Jimmy Page para recoger el galardón con el que el imprescindible CELEBRATION DAY fue elegido como «Film Of The Year» y, tal como se informa desde Lemon Squeezings, Pagey aprovechó para, a petición de los periodistas ahí reunidos, volver a comentar que a lo largo del próximo 2014 la idea es que vean la luz:

Individual box sets of newly remastered Led Zeppelin’s audio catalog, along with bonus materials, are to be released at different points throughout 2014, Jimmy Page said today when asked in London.

«Each of the albums has been remastered, but it also has a companion disc with it,» the guitarist told broadcaster Nicky Horne for Team Rock Radio. «Each disc will give a really intimate picture of the group.»

Horne began his four-minute Q&A session with Page by asking him for some recollections about that concert. Before long, Horne switched gears and asked for some follow-up on the Led Zeppelin remasters.

They made news when Page’s answers began to provide more specifics about the nature of the releases. For one, he said the work is already complete on the sonic aspects of the box sets. He explained that each album’s companion disc would contain goodies such as alternate mixes and alternate takes.

As an example, he said Led Zeppelin III would appear in remastered form, as part of an individual box set, and on its companion disc we will find an alternate version of their blues number «Since I’ve Been Loving You.»

«There’s an incredible version of that,» he said. «It’s very raw in its approach. It’s quite dramatic. It’s cool.»

Page did not divulge any other previously unreleased material that could be expected, so as to maintain the element of surprise.

When asked when the box sets would be released, Page could not point to any precise date. He stressed that they would be released not all at once but separately over time.


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by: Rockthbestmusic

by: Rockthbestmusic

Titulado en leyes, amante del apasionante mundo de las estadísticas y desde 2007 en la Red con este artefacto llamado RockTheBestMusic. Y sí, Led Zeppelin es el mejor grupo que ha transitado por el Planeta TIierra.

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