Días atrás hacíamos mención a la noticia de que Adler debido a los problemas personales de Steven Adler toda la gira de presentación del «Back From The Dead», tanto la americana como la europea, quedaba cancelada, y ahora, unos días después, es el propio Steven que en una declaración personal explica cuales son sus problemas, que esperemos pueda resolver de una puñetera vez y pueda volver a centrarse en lo que realmente importa.
Steven Adler Personal Statement
“I picked up a bottle and drank. This occurred a few times and that is a few times too many. I knew that this had to permanently stop. That is the moment I picked up the phone, before it got out of hand, to get help. I had kicked hard drugs several years ago and now it is time to get rid of the urges of drinking alcohol. I am at a great facility and will stay here until I am comfortable to be home to work the program on my own. I love you all for understanding, being patient and supporting my decision. Like my peers, I will beat this too, so I can return to music and beat my drums!”
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