Según un comunicado oficial de Rich Robinson, líder de la banda junto a su hermano Chris, los Black Crowes se separan definitivamente debido a los compromisos profesionales del vocalista. Según Rich, las ocupaciones de Chris -muy implicado en su Chris Robinson Brotherhood-, le obligan a contar con él como un simple músico asalariado, algo que considera inviable:

It is with great disappointment and regret that after having the privilege of writing and performing the music of The Black Crowes over the last 24 years, I find myself in the position of saying that the band has broken up.


I hold my time with the Black Crowes with the utmost respect and sincerest appreciation. It is a huge swath of my life’s body of work. I couldn’t be more proud of what we accomplished and deeply moved by the relationships people created and maintained with my music. That alone is the greatest honor of being a musician. I love my brother and respect his talent but his present demand that I must give up my equal share of the band and that our drummer for 28 years and original partner, Steve Gorman, relinquish 100% of his share, reducing him to a salaried employee, is not something I could agree to.


There are so many people who have helped and supported us along the way. I want to give a heartfelt thank you to all of our fans, our friends behind the scenes, and to everyone who was a part of The Black Crowes.

Triste noticia, pero ya sabemos como funcionan estas cosas. Tarde o temprano, habrá reunión.

by: Edgar

by: Edgar

A la música le dedico la mayor parte de mi tiempo pero, aunque el rock me apasiona desde que recuerdo, no vivo sin cine ni series de televisión. Soy ingeniero informático y, cuando tengo un hueco, escribo sobre mis vicios. Tres nombres: Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin y Bruce Springsteen.

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