A estas alturas la postura de Roger sobre la manera de actuar de los dirigentes de Israel está clara; ya lo ha dejado bastante claro en diversas ocasiones, pero por si alguien tenía dudas de la opinión que le merece la postura de los EEUU en el conflicto de Gaza, su artículo de ayer en Salon no deja ningún tipo de dudas, y si bien, y no será por falta de ganas, ahora tampoco vamos a entrar a tratar algo sobre lo que las Naciones Unidas lleva décadas publicando resoluciones que cierta parte se limita a pasar sistemáticamente por el forro, lo mejor es hacernos eco del«
«It is called ‘Crystal Clear Brooks.’ Although it expresses my feelings, I cannot but think that the children in Gaza would give anything but their birthright and their pride and their basic human rights for a glass of crystal clear water. And, I think too, of the Bakr children, the sons of fishermen, who were slain while playing on a Gaza beach.»
«Crystal Clear Brooks» By Roger Waters
Crystal clear brooks
When the time comes
And the last day dawns
And the air of the piper warms
The high crags of the old country
When the holy writ blows
Like burned paper away
And wise men concede
That there’s more than one way
More than one path
More than one book
More than one fisherman
More than one hook
When the cats have been skinned
And the fish have been hooked
When the masters of war
Are our masters no more
When old friends take their whiskey
Outside on the porch
We will have done well
If we’re able to say
As the sun settles down
On that final day
That we never gave in
That we did all we could
So the kids could go fishing
In crystal clear brooks.
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