Annihilator, tal como acaba de comunicar Madness Live, debido a un accidente de trafico sufrido esta noche camino a Barcelona tras su concierto de ayer en Madrid, se han visto obligados a cancelar su concierto de esta noche en Razzmatazz2:

Nota publicada por Madness Live en su Facebook:

Lamentamos comunicar que el concierto de Annihilator previsto para ésta noche en Razz2 (Barcelona) queda CANCELADO. La banda se vió envuelta en un grave accidente de tráfico ésta madrugada de camino a Barcelona tras su show en Madrid.

Un camión de grandes dimensiones arrolló el autobús de gira de la banda desde atrás, destrozando por completo el remolque donde la banda llevaBA todo su backline, instrumentos, etc… banda y crew están sanos y salvos, pero pese a los intentos y planteamientos realizados, es imposible desplazarles a Barcelona.

Sentimos muchísimo las molestias causadas. Muy pronto estará habilitada la devolución de entradas.

Una pena y más después de haber disfrutado de su gran directo en la noche de ayer en Madrid… ¡lo sentimos!

Actualización:  Nueva nota publicada por Madness Live:

He aquí el comunicado de Jeff Waters de Annihilator respecto al accidente… much@s nos estais preguntando, así que os informamos;
– Aún no está activada la devolución de entradas porque ticketmaster no operan en fines de semana. El lunes podréis devolver las entradas en el mismo punto donde fueron adquiridas.
– No hay opción de poner otra fecha para el concierto… pero es posible que actúen en un festival para el que trabajamos, el año que viene… 

Gracias a tod@s por vuestra comprensión.

ANNIHILATOR IN BUS CRASH: After the show in Madrid last night, we left at night for Barcelona. 
Jasmina and I were sleeping in the master bedroom in back if the bus. 

We were thrown on the floor, as a truck slammed into us from behind. The other guys were mostly sleeping but were woken up with quite the impact. We (red car bus) were driving the speed limit for carrying a legal 3.5 ton trailer and, according to the spanish police who shit the highway down, the driver of the truck that hit us was speeding and «distracted»; I would guess texting, as he was speeding at a high rate down a 3-lane highway in the slow lane, and tried to brake a second before impact… 
So it looked the entire police force was out! Very cool dudes and they helped us arrange tow trucks, checked for injuries with all vehicle occupants, escorted the bus to a truck stop when we finally untangled the trailer from the bus. Our bassist Alberto speaks Spanish and translated all night, then morning long. 

We were all very lucky we had a large trailer, stuffed with a lot of backline (Stacks Hughes and Kettner Coreblade speaker cabinets saved us!!)… They and ALL our gear took most of the impact… The police said we would have likely had fatalities, if that trailer and cabinets/contents had not been there… Jas and I would have been the first to go!! 
But enough drama!

We are all ok and will send pics if this one, that’s for sure!
We had a killer show in Madrid last night.. Best show and fans on the tour… But sadly and obviously could not make Barcelona tonight. We are (safely and legally!) racing to Lyon France now, where we will get a truck for the gear (gear in way from accident location).
That could be the only issue now is what gear/equipment is working and what is destroyed. But we will likely make it to Lyon and sort out what we can use there!!! 
Thanks Madrid, sorry Barcelona, «F you» to texting and driving (or whatever he was doing)… Of, about the driver of the speeding truck that hit us: He survived, but if u saw his truck (pics coming), you would not think it possible to survive. 
Wish us safe travels! We need them!!

Jeff Waters

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